From my heart to your heart

Dear mommy,

From my heart to your heart I wish you merry Christmas and magical holidays. My mind tells me to go to my family yet my heart wants to come to you - because you are my family. Although not born to you, you have been more mother to me than anyone else. I feel blessed that I may be near you during the holidays. As I walk through the streets of your hometown, I look up into the sky where twinkling stars remind me of a higher power and angelic beings protecting you. I pray that this and every holiday season you may be warm and surrounded with love. Astonished by the magic of the reflection of many lights in the peaceful lake I think of you and feel warm in my heart. I wish I was with you and yet I am grateful that I may be near you. 

My dear friends, I wish you a holiday season filled with love, peace, and the chance to be near or with your loved ones whoever they may be. You see, to me family and love come in many forms. To me love is eternal, non-judgmental, and my proof of the divine especially when it is sincere and comes straight from our hearts. Beyond our understanding I believe that it connects us all no matter where we are or who we might be. 

I love you mommy. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays, my friends.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Bullock


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