On Loving and Writing
Dear friends,
Do you tell someone you love that you love him or her? If
yes, do you tell this person often or just sometimes? Do you easily tell your
loved ones that you care about them and more of a kind of person who is very
outgoing and loves pretty much everything and everyone, or are you more
specific when it comes to love? This month, I would like to tell you how I
love. When I love, I really LOVE and when I really LOVE I will tell you and I
mean it with the most sincerity I can imagine. For some reason it is not always
easy for me to express my feelings but when I do I mean it. When I tell you
that I love you I mean it with all my heart. I will tell you in person and I
will write to you. When I tell you that I love you I hope you get my message
because it only comes with purest intentions and the wish that you hear me.
When I tell you I love you I do so because I would like you to know that you
are loved, you are worthy and that you are special. When I tell you I love you
I don’t do it for my own good but for yours. I simply want you to know that you
are loved and you mean the world to me.
I love writing about someone or to
someone I love because I feel that the written word makes it eternal. It brings
the word from the mental and spiritual realms into the physical realm and
engraves the meaning that way. When read, the received love hopefully creates
emotions and feelings of warmth, happiness and the knowledge that one is loved
and carries the written word back into the mental and spiritual realms and that
way into eternity beyond space and time into a place where there is only pure
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Barbara
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