It’s spring!
Dear friends,
Spring is my favorite season. I used to love summer, but over the years they got too hot and humid for my taste. Nowadays, I prefer refreshing mornings and warm, sunny afternoons, hence spring. Spring is not just the time when temperature rise in continental climates, it is also a time to restart the year in terms of goals and check where my new year’s resolutions have disappeared to. By this time of the year I have usually already gotten of my path and forgot all about everything I wanted to do as of January 1st. However, now with the sun out and nature back alive, I have the feeling I am slowly but surely waking up from winter as well. I feel like I don’t have an excuse anymore not to reach out to my dreams, set goals and get started on my “to do list” in order to achieve them. In this sense, I wish you all a very happy, warm and sunny spring! Let the sun warm your faces, the birds sing songs of happiness and colorful flowers lift your spirits!
Love and light,
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