Share your love!
Dear friends,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I have to tell you that Valentine’s day is one of my favorite days of the year. I especially love it the way it is celebrated in the United States and more and more around the world in terms of beautiful flowers, yummy chocolate, having a loving time with friends and loved ones by loving and living to the fullest so that it is a fantastic day for everyone and not just a romantic date. Love is definitely in the air today. However, it takes a little bit of looking for it. As people around me are going about their day as usual paying attention to the mundane things of live such as commuting, working and thinking and chatting about what they see as important, I realize that there is more to life than that. Valentine’s day is a perfect day to recognize that in whatever way one feels. For me it is a wonderful day to remember what love is all about and life should be about every single day - not just on Valentine’s day. I remembered this morning to honor myself and to be grateful for my amazing body and soul by caressing my skin with the “good” lotion, not the cheap one and the “special” perfume to elevate my senses. I remembered to stop and smell the flowers – literally - to enlighten my mood and senses. I remembered to tell my loved ones how much they mean to me – the world – and to say thank you to God and the universe for the many wonders and miracles in my life. Then I remembered and decided to take these gifts of love and share them among others. I cannot change the world nor people, who are not as open to philosophical and spiritual matters as I am – but I can smile at a stranger, try to help someone and set a positive example for a little more love in our world – on this day and always.
Happy Valentine’s day and don’t forget to spread some love today!
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