What a month!

What a month!

I hear many people say that they don’t like the month of November. True, depending on where you live, it can be cold and grey. However, as I look back at this particular month this year, I wanted to tell you that it is actually my favorite month of the year and anything but cold and grey but full of light and love instead. Looking back at these past few weeks, I realize how much love, compassion and reaching out to each other I have witnessed. I heard of many stories of destroyed homes and lives by storm Sandy, but I also heard many stories of people reaching out to strangers providing them with food, shelter and much needed compassion. I hope everybody has a roof over his/her head before the upcoming winter.
Next, there was the U.S. election. To be honest, I was so nervous watching the results coming in. I was hopeful but also worried. At some point I just couldn’t watch television any longer and prayed instead leaving the power of whatever might happen to our world in the hands of the universe and destiny. However, when I read the comments on social media, I realized that millions of people around the world were praying and hoping with me. I thought that this must create a tremendous amount of love and support, which can survive any challenge. And it did. God bless America.
Furthermore, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and traditions. I just like the idea of looking at what we have and giving thanks for the received blessings. For some people it is also a time to reach out to the less fortunate and share delicious traditional food with everyone. That is indeed warming and enlightening!
Last but not least, November is also the month in which many people I know celebrate their birthdays. What a special day today - November 26 - my favorite day of the year - Happy Birthday to a very special human being - God bless you. Your being enlightens and warms my world beyond measure.
You see, the month of November does not have to be cold and grey but light, warm and full of love.
Written by Barbara Bullock

Copyright © Barbara Bullock


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